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Enhanced Modules


Formerly a set of helper functions, the following have been attached to the code module, which is now preimported.

Code can be monkey-patched at runtime using multiple functions, depending on what should be patched and how. Note that some of the functions rely on the patchy module.

  • add_line, add_lines, insert_line, insert_lines: it allows to add line(s) at specific indices (starting from 0), before or after (using after=True).
  • delete_line, delete_lines, remove_line, remove_lines: it allows to delete line(s) by index (starting from 0).
  • patch: alias for patchy.patch, taking a function and a patch file's text as arguments.
  • replace: wrapper for patchy.replace, handling multiple replacements at a time, either replacing whole function (like in original replace) or only parts of the code.
  • replace_lines: for replacing specific lines in the code of a given function, specifying replacements as pairs of line index (starting from 0) and replacement text.
  • restore: for restoring a function to its original code.
  • revert: for reverting code to a previous version (up to 3 previous versions).
  • source: for getting function's source code (shortcut for patchy.api._get_source).
  • unpatch: alias for patchy.unpatch, taking a function and a previous patch file's text as arguments in order to revert the function to its previous version.

A context manager is also available:

  • Patch: alias for patchy.temp_patch, taking a function in argument and a patch ; it patches the function in the context of the open code block and then restores the function at the end of this block.


functools is enhanced with a new function:

  • wraps_cls: this is a simple equivalent of functools.wraps but for classes


getpass is enhanced with a new function:

  • getcompliantpass: it relies on getpass and allows to enforce a policy on the input password defined as a dictionary with the following keys:

    • allowed: the allowed characters set, that can be defined according to some mask modifiers (defaults to ?l?L?d?s, that is, lower- and uppercase, digits and special characters)
    • entropy: the minimum number of entropy bits required (defaults to 32)
    • length: a 2-tuple with the minimum and maximum lengths (defaults to (8, 40))
    • required: the required characters set, defined like the allowed set, cannot contain a mask modifier that is not in the allowed set (defaults to ?l?L?d)
    • rules: set of string modification rules, as of defined here
    • wordlists: a dictionary of wordlists with keys being the filenames and their values being the lists of potential locations where they can be found (defaults to {'password.lst': ["./", "~/"], 'rockyou.txt': ["./", "~/"]})

Password policy mask groups

A mask similar to this used in HashCat can be provided. The allowed groups are:

  • d: digits
  • h: lowercase hexadecimal
  • H: uppercase hexadecimal
  • l: lowercase letters
  • L: uppercase letters
  • p: printable characters
  • s: punctuation characters and whitespace


hashlib, while imported with Tinyscript, is enhanced with additional functions so that these must not be rewritten in many applications, that is:

  • hash_file: this hashes a file per block.
  • [hash]_file (e.g. sha256_file): each hash algorithm existing in the native hashlib has a bound function for hashing a file (e.g. md5 is a native function of hashlib and will then have md5_file).


inspect has also a few additional functions:

  • getcallermodule: gets the module object of the caller function.
  • getmainframe: gets the frame where __name__ is "__main__".
  • getmainglobals: gets the globals dictionary from the main frame.
  • getmainmodule: gets the module object from the main frame.
  • getparentframe: gets the first parent frame in the stack that has the given keyword-values.


itertools is extended with the following items:

  • product2: this is an improvement of the original product, also handling generators.
  • reset: given a generator function decorated by resettable, this functions can reset a generator instantiated by this function.
  • resettable: decorator for registering the reference to the generator function and its arguments used to make a generator, then making resettable each generator made by this function.
  • NonResettableGeneratorException: specific exception for handling a generator not decorated by resettable thrown while trying to reset it with the reset function.


logging is slightly enhanced with a few things:

  • addLogLevel: adds a custom log level (with a color).
  • bindLogger: decorates a function or method to provide a logger (self.logger for a method, global logger for a function).
  • configLogger: configures the given logger with an InterceptionHandler (for catching and re-displaying the last log record) and a StreamHandler, also installing it in coloredlogs.
  • delLevelName: deletes a level from the registry by its name or integer.
  • delLogLevel: deletes a log level, that is, its complete definition.
  • lastLogRecord: displays the last log record.
  • nullLogger: a ready-to-use null logger.
  • renameLogger: renames a logger from an old to a new name.
  • setLogger / setLoggers: sets respectively one or multiple loggers using Tinyscript's logger configuration.
  • setLoggingLevel: sets a logging level to every logger matching the given patterns.
  • unsetLogger / unsetLoggers: unsets respectively one or multiple loggers (removing them from the root logging dictionary).
  • InterceptionHandler: handler that intercepts the last log record.
  • RelativeTimeColoredFormatter: custom formatter for handling relative log times.
  • Std2Logger: instantiates a file-like object to write to a logger instance.


random is slightly enhanced with a few new items:

  • choice: redefined to add an argument for an exclusion list (aim is to provide a short form instead of using list comprehension) and an extra argument for setting if an error shall be thrown when the resulting list is empty.
  • randstr: allows to generate a random string with a given length (8 by default) and alphabet ; it also supports a 'balance' parameter that ensures that there is no character that can have more than n / (n_alphabet - 1) occurrences and a 'blocksize' parameter to enforce balancing on a per-block basis.
  • LFSR: adds an implementation of the Linear-Feedback Shifting Register stream generator, with the possibility of recovering its parameters by setting a target and using the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm.
  • Geffe: adds an implementation of the Geffe stream generator.


re is enhanced with some new (fully lazy) functions to generate strings from regular expression patterns:

  • randstr: generates a single random string from the input regex.
  • randstrs: provides a generator of N random strings from the input regex.
  • size: computes the number of all possible strings from the input regex.
  • strings: generates all possible strings from the input regex.


string is slightly enhanced with a few new functions:

  • shorten: shortens a string, taking by default the terminal width, otherwise a length of 40 characters (unless user-defined), and using an end token (by default "...").
  • sort_natural: sort a list of strings taking numbers into account (returns nothing).
  • sorted_natural: return a list of strings taking numbers into account.


virtualenv, while imported with Tinyscript, is enhanced with convenient functions for setting up a virtual environment.

  • activate(venv_dir): sets environment variables and globals as of bin/ in order to activate the given environment.
  • deactivate(): unsets the current environment variables and globals.
  • install(package, ...): uses Pip to install the given package ; "..." corresponds to the arguments and keyword-arguments that can be passed to Pip.
  • is_installed(package): indicates if the given package is installed in the environment.
  • list_packages(): lists the packages installed in the environment.
  • setup(venv_dir, requirements): sets up a virtual environment to the given directory and installs the given requirements (either a requirements file or a list of packages).
  • teardown(venv_dir): deactivates and removes the given environment ; if no directory given, the currently defined one is handled.