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Helper Functions & Classes

Useful constants and compatibility functions

Tinyscript provides some predefined boolean constants, handy in some use cases:

Name Description
DARWIN Darwin platform
JYTHON Java implementation of Python
LINUX `Linux platform
PYPY PyPy implementation of Python
PYTHON3 True if Python 3, False if Python 2
WINDOWS Windows platform

It also provides some other constants:

Name Description
ENCODING system encoding
LANGUAGE system language code

It defines a classproperty decorator for setting a property at the class level.

It also defines a few utility or backward-compatibility functions.

Name Description
b bytes conversion function
byteindex selects the byte value from a string at the given index
colored allows to color text in a similar way to termcolor.colored (which is NOT in Tinyscript's requirements) but relying on colorful (which is in Tinyscript's requirements)
ensure_binary identical to six.ensure_binary (kept for backward compatibility)
ensure_str ensures the input, either string or bytes, is a string
execfile same function as used in Python 2
iterbytes iterates over the bytes of a string (kept for backward compatibility)
reduce similar to functools.reduce, but with a condition optional argument to define a stop condition
u dummy alias for str (kept for backward compatibility)

Global scope and the ts module

On the contrary of the other helpers presented on this page, these are imported in the global scope while the others are attached to a dynamic module called "ts" (for the sake of not flooding the scope) when using from tinyscript import *.

However, the helpers hereafter can still be imported granularly by using a specific import, e.g.:

>>> from tinyscript.helpers.termsize import get_terminal_size
>>> get_terminal_size()

Useful general-purpose functions

According to the DRY philosophy, Tinyscript provides a few predefined user interaction functions:

Name Description
eval2 alternative to eval that uses a blacklist for scope's names and a whitelist for AST nodes while parsing the input expression
ts.clear multi-platform clear screen function
ts.confirm Python2/3-compatible Yes/No input function (supporting style and palette, relying on colorful
ts.eval_ast_nodes useful to determine the necessary AST nodes for a limited set of expressions ; this gives a list that can be used as a whitelist for eval2
ts.eval_free_variables useful to determine the free variables from an expression
ts.getpass getpass.getpass-based function that allows to enter a policy for making compliant passwords (see getpass enhancement for more details about how a policy can be described)
ts.getrepass getpass.getpass-based function that allows to enter a regular expression for making compliant passwords
ts.notify shortcut to the notification.notify function of plyer
ts.pause Python2/3-compatible dummy input function, waiting for a key to be pressed (supporting style and palette, relying on colorful
ts.std_input Python2/3-compatible input function (supporting style and palette, relying on colorful)
ts.user_input Python2/3-compatible enhanced input function (supporting style and palette, relying on colorful, choices, default value and 'required' option)

It also provides some simple execution-related functions:

Name Description
ts.apply convenience function for applying a list of functions to the given arguments and keyword-arguments
ts.execute dummy alias for calling a subprocess and returning its STDOUT and STDERR ; returncode=True allows to output its STDOUT, STDERR and return code (timeout=... can also be used)
ts.execute_and_log alias for calling a subprocess and returning its STDOUT, STDERR and the return code, also logging information using a logger obtained from a keyword-argument or from globals
ts.execute_and_kill alias for calling a subprocess and returning its STDOUT, STDERR and the return code, watching for input patterns and killing the process when one of them is encountered
ts.filter_bin filtering function for getting a list of existing binaries (e.g. filter_bin("ls", "dir"))
ts.process decorator for turning a function into a process
ts.processes_clean cleanup function for joining processes opened with ts.process
ts.thread decorator for turning a function into a thread
ts.threads_clean cleanup function for joining threads opened with ts.thread

It also provides some other utility functions, decorators, context managers and classes:

Name Description
range2 alternative to range that supports floats
ts.BitArray slightly extended BitArray class from bitstring
ts.capture decorator for capturing stdout and stderr of a function
ts.Capture context manager for capturing stdout and stderr of a code block
ts.dateparse date parsing function relying on dateparser.parse
ts.entropy computation function for the Shannon entropy of a string
ts.entropy_bits computation function for the number of bits of entropy (i.e. for a password)
ts.get_terminal_size cross-platform terminal size function
ts.human_readable_size simple function to convert a size in bytes to a relevant shorter size in kilobytes, megabytes, ...
ts.is_admin cross-platform function to check if the user executing the script is administrator
ts.pad String padding function, supporting ansic9.23, incremental, iso7816-4, pkcs5, pkcs7 and w3c algorithms
ts.set_exception Set a custom exception given its name and parent (defaults to ValueError) into the builtins
ts.silent decorator for silencing stdout and stderr of a function
ts.slugify slugify a string (handles unicode ; relying on slugify)
ts.stdin_pipe Python2/3-compatible iterator of STDIN lines
ts.strings generator for yielding strings with a minimal length and characters in a given charset from a string buffer
ts.strings_from_file same as ts.strings but yielding strings from a file
ts.timeout decorator for applying a timeout to a function
ts.Timeout context manager for applying a timeout to a code block
ts.TimeoutError custom exception for handling a timeout (as it is natively available in Python 3 but not in Python 2)
ts.unpad String unpadding function (complementary of ts.pad)
ts.urlparse Python2/3-compatible shortcut to urlparse (from module urlparse in Python 2 and urllib in Python 3)
ts.urlparse_query Python2/3-compatible shortcut to parse_qs (from module urlparse in Python 2 and urllib in Python 3)
ts.xor repeated XOR function, also allowing to apply an ordinal offset on XORed characters
ts.xor_file XOR a file with a given key
ts.withrepr decorator for modifying the representation of a function
ts.zeropad decorator for zero-padding the result of either an input function or a value, depending on the output value (binary string is padded with "0", normal string is padded with "\x00", etc).

Handy decorators

Tinyscript defines a few handy function/method decorators:

Name Description
ts.failsafe very simple decorator that prevents a function from raising any exception, returning None if it failed
ts.try_and_pass try function/method's code, catching the given class (by default, Exception), and simply passing if this class of exception was raised
ts.try_and_warn try function/method's code warning the user with the defined message for an error caught based on the given class (by default, Exception), displaying the full trace if relevant (by default, trace=False) and eventually pre-defined extra information based on the extra_info keyword-argument designating an attribute from the class whose function is decorated (e.g. can be "__doc__" for displaying class' docstring when the decorated method fails)
ts.try_or_die sams as for ts.try_and_warn, but raises the caught exception and exits

Tinyscript defines a few handy class decorators:

Name Description
ts.applicable_to this can be used for instance to check that a decorated mixin class is well applicable to one or more classes

A few utility functions related to bruteforcing are also available:

Name Description
ts.bruteforce generator for making strings using a given alphabet from a minimum to a maximum length
ts.bruteforce_mask generator for bruteforcing according to a given mask (either a string or a list of alphabets per character position)
ts.bruteforce_pin generator for bruteforcing a variable-length PIN code (by default, length is 4) starting with a public top-20 most common PIN values
ts.bruteforce_re generator for bruteforcing according to a given regular expression
ts.dictionary generator for parsing a dictionary, applying rules if provided
ts.expand_mask string expansion function for computing a bruteforce mask
ts.parse_rule rule parsing function, for checking if it is valid and returning a generator of transformation functions to apply to the input text

Bruteforce mask groups

For ts.bruteforce_mask or ts.expand_mask, a mask similar to this used in HashCat can be provided. The available groups are:

  • ?*: all ordinals (0 to 255)
  • <: left bracket derivates ([{<
  • >: right bracket derivates )]}>
  • c: lowercase consonants
  • C: uppercase consonants
  • d: digits
  • h: lowercase hexadecimal
  • H: uppercase hexadecimal
  • l: lowercase letters
  • L: uppercase letters
  • p: printable characters
  • s: punctuation characters and whitespace
  • v: lowercase vowels
  • V: uppercase vowels

Dictionary entry transformation rules

For ts.dictionary (rules keyword-argument holding a comma-separated list of rules) and ts.parse_rule, a rule chaining multiple operations can be provided. The available string operations are:

  • a[]: append
  • p[]: prepend
  • c: capitalize
  • i: identity
  • l: lowercase
  • r: reverse
  • s: swapcase
  • t: title
  • u: uppercase

For instance, the following rules will produce:

  • ru: reverse uppercase string ; "test" becomes "TSET"
  • sa[123]: swapcase and append "123" ; "Test" becomes "tEST123"
  • i,r,u: identity then reverse then uppercase ; "test" will produce ["test", "tset", "TEST"]

Playing with bruteforce regex

bruteforce_re uses itertools.product to generate the suite of strings from a list of "tokens", that is sets of characters or full expressions. For instance, regex test[1-3] will give the product ["t", "e", "s", "t", ["1", "2", "3"]], still to be lazily generated by bruteforce_re to ["test1", "test2", "test3"].

While using a regular expression like test[a-c]{1,3} (that could be generated using the prefix "test" with bruteforce(3, "abc")), a token (that is, a set of possibilities) is fully generated from the minimum size 1 to the maximum size 3 for the product, that is ["a", "b", "c", "aa", "ab", "ac", "ba", ...]. If using larger sets of characters in the regex (e.g. \S or [a-zA-Z0-9-_]), this can crash the system as the memory will not be able to sustain the generation of the sublist of the product.

Data structures

Some particular data structures are provided:

Name Description
ts.ClassRegistry special dictionary whose keys are (base) classes and values are lists of related subclasses (e.g. {Base: [Sub1, Sub2]}) ; subclasses can be accessed by using the base class name and the subclass name, e.g. d["base", "sub1"]
ts.CompositeKeyDict dictionary supporting composite keys given a separator (by default none, meaning that a list is used for the key)
ts.ExpiringDict(max_age, sort_by_time) dictionary with expiring keys ; configured using the max_age argument (by default 0 meaning no expiration) and sort_by_time (allowing to sort keys either by time, if set to True, or in alphabetical order)
ts.PathBasedDict particular dictionary where the keys are defined like a path (a dictionary is created for each base) ; e.g. d['path/to/key'] = ... will give {'path': {'to': {'key': ...}}}

Also related to this, the following helper functions are provided:

Name Description
ts.flatten_dict function aimed to flatten a dictionary of dictionaries ; if it encounters duplicate keys, it merges them by joining the strings with the "/" separator
ts.merge_dict useful function for merging two or more dictionaries, either updating the first input dictionary (if new is False ; this is the default) or creating a new one, also updating the resulting dictionary with the latest input dictionaries (if update is True ; this is the default) or not, dealing with the duplicate values (when iterable) by merging them (related to the duplicates boolean)

CLI layout objects

This package also provides some CLI layout objects:

Name Description
ts.BorderlessTable borderless table based on an input data matrix, either with a heading line or not (header keyword-argument) ; relies on terminaltables
ts.NameDescription indented name-description line, with optional details (details third positional argument) ; also relies on terminaltables

Extended pathlib-like classes

Tinyscript also provides modified/additional pathlib-related classes:

  • ts.Path: extended Python2/3-compatible path class

    It fixes multiple compatibility issues between Python 2 and 3, namely mkdir's exist_ok argument or methods expanduser, read_text and write_text.

    Path's initialization accepts some new arguments:

    • expand: for immediately expanding the path (e.g. when using a path like "~/...")
    • create or touch: respectively creates a folder or file ; these arguments are mutually exclusive

    It also extends the class with multiple new useful methods like:

    • append_bytes(data:bytes): appends bytes to the current file (complements write_bytes, which forces the wb mode)
    • append_line(line:str): appends a newline (if not the beginning of the file) and line
    • append_lines(*lines:str): appends multiple lines relying on append_line(line)
    • append_text(data:str): appends text to the current file (complements write_text, which forces the w mode)
    • choice(*filetypes:str): chooses a random file in the current folder among the given extensions (mentioning the dot ; e.g. .py)
    • find(name:str, regex:bool): finds a file or folder, using name as a regex or not
    • generate(prefix:str, suffix:str, length:int, alphabet:str): generates a random folder name (guaranteed to be non-existent) using the given prefix, suffix, length and alphabet, and returns the joined path
    • is_executable(): checks whether the path is executable
    • is_hidden(): checks whether the current file/folder is hidden
    • is_in_path_env_var(): checks whether the path (if not a folder, its .dirname) is in the PATH environment variable
    • is_readable(): checks whether the path is readable
    • is_samepath(other_path:str|Path): checks whether the given path is the same
    • is_under(path:str|Path): checks whether the path is under the given parent path
    • is_writable(): checks whether the path is writable
    • iterfiles(): iterates over files only
    • iterpubdir(): iterates over visible directories only
    • listdir(filter_func:lambda, sort:bool): list the current path based on a filter function, sorted or not
    • reset(): truncates the file
    • remove(error:bool): removes the current file or recursively removes the current folder (can use error=False to prevent from raising an exception if the target does not exist)
    • walk(breadthfirst:bool, filter_func:lambda, sort:bool): walk the current path breadth-first or depth-first using a filter function, sorted or not

    It also adds some properties:

    • basename: dummy alias for name
    • bytes: returns file's content as raw bytes
    • child: returns the relative child path
    • filename: returns the complete filename (stem and suffix ; not natively present in pathlib)
    • size: returns path's size (recursively computed if it is a folder)
    • text: returns file's content as text
  • ts.ConfigPath: additional class for handling configuration files or folders

    This subclass of Path takes an application name and a file boolean as arguments and makes configuration items depending on the OS (e.g. on Windows, using %APPDATA% or on Linux, user's home folder). If file is True, then make a config file path, otherwise create a config folder.

  • ts.CredentialsPath: new class for handling a file with credentials

    This subclass of Path handles id and secret attributes (that can be specified while creating an instance with the same keyword-arguments) with loading from or saving to a file that has the read-write permissions only for the owner. This class adds the following methods:

    • load(delimiter): loads credentials from the given path (default delimiter: :)
    • save(delimiter): saves credentials to the given path (default delimiter: :), creating the file with read-write permissions limited to the owner
  • ts.MirrorPath: additional class for handling mirrored files and folders

    This mirrors an item, that is, if the given source does not exist in the given destination, it creates a symbolic link and recurses if it is a folder.

    • mirror(source): mirrors the given source
    • unmirror(): removes the created symbolic links

    Basically, a path can be mirrored this way: MirrorPath(destination, source). However, it can also be defined as p = MirrorPath(destination) and the p.mirror(source) method can then be used.

  • ts.ProjectPath: new class for managing a project, given a structure

    This class allows to manage a project folder in a handy manner using the following methods:

    • archive: this method allows to archive the project folder to a ZIP file in a given destination path, optionally encrypted using a given password (password argument) or by asking the user to enter one (with ask=True) ; by default, the project folder is removed after compression (this behavior can be disabled by using remove=False) and this method returns a new ProjectPath with the new path (to the ZIP file)
    • create: this creates the project structure given a dictionary describing it ; each key is a folder (with its content described with a subdictionary) or a file (if the value is None, meaning that an empty file is to be created, or the content of it)
    • load (the complementary method of archive): this allows to unzip an archive to a given destination given a password or by asking it ; by default, the ZIP archive is removed after decompression (this behavior can be disabled by using remove=False)
    • search: this methods walks the file tree of the project path searching for matches based on the given pattern

    The fixme and todo attributes allow to get a dictionary of respectively all the "#FIXME:" and "#TODO:" markers contained in the project.

  • ts.PythonPath: new class for dynamically loading Python modules, either directly from a file or from a folder

    This dynamically loads Python files in the given path. It has the following useful methods:

    • get_classes(base_cls): for getting the list of all classes from the given Python module
    • has_baseclass(base_cls): for checking whether the given Python module has a class inheriting the given base class
    • has_class(cls): for checking whether the given Python module has the given class

    When a file is given as argument, the module attribute holds the related Python module (if the given file is indeed a Python source file). When a folder is given, the modules attribute holds a list of all the loaded modules within that path.

  • ts.TempPath: additional class for handling temporary folder

    This automatically creates a folder with a randomly generated name in OS' temporary location using a prefix, suffix, length and alphabet (like for Path.generate(...)). A path argument can also be given to retrieve a previously created temporary folder.

    • tempfile(**kwargs): passes kwargs to tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile and returns a Path object with a generated filename under the current TempPath folder ; an optional path argument can be given to get a previously generated file

Type checking functions

Tinyscript provides some type checking functions, for common data:

Function Description
ts.is_bin binary string (with or without \W separators)
ts.is_bool boolean
ts.is_dict dictionary
ts.is_dir / ts.is_folder dummy shortcuts to os.path.isdir
ts.is_executable whether the given path has the execution flag
ts.is_file dummy shortcut to os.path.isfile
ts.is_filemode simple file mode check (for Linux permissions)
ts.is_filetype regex-based check for file's type (relying on python-magic)
ts.is_hex hexadecimal string (case insensitive)
ts.is_in_path whether the target path is in the PATH environment variable
ts.is_int / ts.is_int_range / ts.is_pos_int / ts.is_neg_int / ts.is_prime integer (within range / positive / negative / prime)
ts.is_list list, tuple, set
ts.is_long_opt for an argument with the "--option" format
ts.is_mimetype regex-based check for file's MIME type (relying on python-magic)
ts.is_percentage number between 0. and 1.
ts.is_str str, bytes, unicode
ts.is_short_opt for an argument with the "-o" format

For string-related data:

Function Description
ts.is_digits the given string has only digits
ts.is_letters the given string has only letters
ts.is_lowercase the given string has only lowercase characters
ts.is_printable the given string has only printable characters
ts.is_punctuation the given string has only punctuation characters
ts.is_regex the given string can be parsed as a regular expression
ts.is_uppercase the given string has only uppercase characters

Character percentage threshold

These functions have all a threshold argument that defaults to 1.0. It can be tuned to accept strings that are not fully consisting of the given alphabet.

Also for various objects:

Function Description
ts.is_class class definition (relying on inspect.isclass)
ts.is_coroutine coroutine (relying on inspect.iscoroutine)
ts.is_coroutinefunc coroutine function (relying on inspect.iscoroutinefunction)
ts.is_frame frame object (relying on types.FrameType)
ts.is_function any function (relying on types.[Builtin]FunctionType)
ts.is_generator generator object (relying on inspect.isgenerator)
ts.is_generatorfunc generator function (relying on inspect.isgeneratorfunction)
ts.is_instance instance of object or a specific class
ts.is_iterable iterable object (relying on collections.Iterable)
ts.is_lambda lazy function (relying on types.LambdaType)
ts.is_method method of an object (relying on types.[Builtin]MethodType)
ts.is_module module object (relying on types.ModuleType)
ts.is_type type definition

For config-related data:

Function Description
ts.is_ini / ts.is_ini_file INI configuration content/file
ts.is_json / ts.is_json_file JSON configuration content/file
ts.is_toml / ts.is_toml_file TOML configuration content/file
ts.is_yaml / ts.is_yaml_file YAML configuration content/file (note: this uses yaml.safe_load(...))

For hash-related data:

Function Description
ts.is_hash hash string, among MD5/SHA1/SHA224/SHA256/SHA512
ts.is_md5 MD5 hash
ts.is_sha1 SHA1 hash
ts.is_sha224 SHA224 hash
ts.is_sha256 SHA256 hash
ts.is_sha512 SHA512 hash

And for network-related data:

Function Description
ts.is_asn 2-byte or 4-byte AS number
ts.is_defgw default gateway
ts.is_domain domain name
ts.is_email email address
ts.is_gw gateway
ts.is_hostname hostname
ts.is_ifaddr interface address
ts.is_ip / ts.is_ipv4 / ts.is_ipv6 IPv4 or IPv6 address ; integer addresses are supported
ts.is_ipnet / ts.is_ipv4net / ts.is_ipv6net IPv4 or IPv6 network (i.e. in CIDR notation) ; integer addresses are supported
ts.is_mac MAC address
ts.is_netif network interface
ts.is_port port number
ts.is_url Uniform Resource Locator

Common argument types

While adding arguments to the parser (relying on argparse), Tinyscript provides some useful common type validation functions that can be used with the type keyword argument, namely (returning ValueError when the validation fails):

Type Output Description
ts.file_does_not_exist str non-existing file path
ts.file_exists str existing file path
ts.file_mimetype(mimetype) str file path exists and has a MIME type matching the given one
ts.file_mode(mode) str file permissions mode has 3 digits from 0 to 7
ts.file_type(type) str file path exists and has a file type matching the given one
ts.files_list list(str) list of only existing file paths
ts.files_filtered_list list(str) list of at least one existing file path (bad paths are filtered)
ts.files_mimetype(mimetype) list(str) same as for ts.files_mimetype(mimetype) but for a list
ts.files_type(type) list(str) same as for ts.file_type(type) but for a list
ts.folder_does_not_exist str non-existing folder
ts.folder_exists / ts.folder_exists_or_create str existing folder or folder to be created if it does not exist
ts.ints list(int) list of integers
ts.int_range single integer within range (second bound included!)
ts.ints_range list of integers within range (second bound included!)
ts.neg_int / negative_int int single negative integer
ts.neg_ints / negative_ints list(int) list of negative integers
ts.pos_int / positive_int int single positive integer
ts.pos_ints / positive_ints list(int) list of positive integers
ts.regular_expression str string that can be parsed as a regular expression
ts.str_contains(alphabet, threshold) str string that contains characters with a percentage of at least threshold
ts.str_matches(pattern, flags) str string that matches the given pattern with the given flags
ts.values_list list(literals) list of literal values (comma-separated, not or "()"- or "[]"-enclosed)

For config-related types:

Function Description
ts.ini_config INI configuration file
ts.json_config JSON configuration file
ts.toml_config TOML configuration file
ts.yaml_config YAML configuration file

For hash-related types:

Type Output Description
ts.any_hash str any valid hash amongst MD5
ts.md5_hash str MD5 hash
ts.sha1_hash str SHA1 hash
ts.sha224_hash str SHA224 hash
ts.sha256_hash str SHA256 hash
ts.sha512_hash str SHA512 hash

And for network-related types:

Type Output Description
ts.as_number int or str valid 2-byte or 4-byte AS number
ts.default_gateway_address str valid default gateway address
ts.domain_name str valid domain name
ts.email_address str valid email address
ts.gateway_address str valid gateway address
ts.hostname str valid hostname
ts.interface_address str assigned interface address
ts.interface_address_list list(str) list of assigned interface addresses
ts.interface_address_filtered_list list(str) list of assigned interface addresses, with non-assigned ones filtered
ts.ip_address / ts.ipv4_address / ts.ipv6_address netaddr.IPAddress valid IP address (IPv4 or IPv6, in integer or string format)
ts.ip_address_list / ts.ipv4_address_list / ts.ipv6_address_list generator(netaddr.IPAddress) list of IP addresses or networks (IPv4 or IPv6, in integer or string format)
ts.ip_address_network / ts.ipv4_address_network / ts.ipv6_address_network generator(netaddr.IPAddress) valid IP address network in CIDR notation (e.g.
ts.mac_address netaddr.EUI valid MAC address (integer or string)
ts.network_interface str valid network interface on the current system
ts.port_number int valid port number
ts.port_number_range list(int) valid list of port numbers, ranging from and to the given bounds
ts.url valid Uniform Resource Locator

Data type transformation functions

Tinyscript also provides a series of intuitive data transformation functions, formatted as follows:




The currently supported functions are:

  • Binary <=> Integer: ts.bin(s)2int(s) /

    >>> ts.bin2int("0100")
    >>> ts.int2bin(4, nbits_out=4)
    >>> ts.int2bin(4)
    >>> ts.bin2int("0000010000000000")
    >>> ts.bin2int("0000010000000000", order="little")
    >>> ts.bins2int("00000000", "00000100")
    >>> ts.int2bin(1024)
    >>> ts.int2bin(1024, order="little")
    >>> ts.int2bins(1024, order="little", n_chunks=2)
    ['00000000', '00000100']
    >>> ts.ints2bin(29797, 29556)
  • Binary <=> Hexadecimal: ts.bin(s)2hex(s) / ts.hex(s)2bin(s)

    >>> ts.hex2bin("deadbeef")
    >>> ts.hex2bins("deadbeef", len_in=2)
    ['11011110', '10101101', '10111110', '11101111']
    >>> ts.bin2hex("11011110101011011011111011101111")
    >>> ts.hexs2bin("dead", "beef")
    >>> ts.bins2hex("11011110", "10101101", "10111110", "11101111")
  • Binary <=> String: ts.bin(s)2str(s) / ts.str(s)2bin(s)

    >>> ts.str2bin("test")
    >>> ts.str2bin("test", nbits_out=16)
    >>> ts.bin2str('01110100011001010111001101110100')
  • Integer <=> Flags: ts.int2flags / ts.flags2int

    >>> ts.int2flags(12)
    [True, True, False, False]
    >>> ts.flags2int([True, True, False, False])
  • Integer <=> Hexadecimal: / ts.hex(s)2int(s)

    >>> ts.hex2int("deadbeef")
    >>> ts.int2hex(3735928559)
    >>> ts.int2hex(3735928559, 8)
    >>> ts.hex2int("00000000deadbeef")
  • Integer <=> String: / ts.str(s)2int(s)

    >>> ts.str2int("test")
    >>> ts.int2str(1952805748)
    >>> ts.ints2str(29797, 29556)
    >>> ts.str2int("test string")
    >>> ts.int2str(140714483833450346658229863)
    'test string'
    >>> ts.str2int("test string", 8)
    [8387236823645254770, 6909543]
    >>> ts.int2str(8387236823645254770, 6909543)
    'test string'
  • Hexadecimal <=> String: ts.hex(s)2str(s) / ts.str(s)2hex(s)

    >>> ts.str2hex("test string")
    >>> ts.hex2str("7465737420737472696e67")
    'test string'
  • List <=> String: ts.lst2str / ts.str2lst

    >>> ts.lst2str([1, 2, 3, 4])
    >>> ts.lst2str([1, 2, 3, 4], sep="")
    >>> ts.str2lst("abc")
    ['a', 'b', 'c']
    >>> ts.str2lst("123")
    [1, 2, 3]
  • Others: ts.json2html (relying on json2html) / ts.json2xml (relying on dicttoxml) / ts.xml2json (relying on xmltodict) / ts.report2objects (transforms a WPScan-like report to a Tinyscript Report)

Text formatting functions

Some text-related functions are provided:

Function Description
ts.ansi_seq_strip remove ANSI sequences from the input string alias to gettext.gettext
ts.txt2blockquote format the given text into a blockquote object
ts.txt2bold format the given text as bold
ts.txt2email format the given text as an email address (link with mailto:)
ts.txt2italic format the given text as italic
ts.txt2olist format the given arguments as an ordered list
ts.txt2paragraph format the given text into a paragraph object
ts.txt2title format the given text into a title object
ts.txt2ulist format the given arguments as an unordered list
ts.txt2underline format the given text as underlined
ts.txt2url format the given text as a URL (hyperlink)
ts.txt_terminal_render render the given Markdown text in the terminal and relies on mdv

Supported formats

All these functions (except have a format argument (default: None) that supports, if relevant, the following values: html, md, rst, textile.

A few functions are available to handle copyright and licenses:

>>> from tinyscript.helpers.licenses import *
>>> copyright("John Doe")
'© 2019 John Doe'
>>> copyright("John Doe", 2015, 2018)
'© 2015-2018 John Doe'
>>> license("test")
'Invalid license'
>>> license("agpl-3.0")
'GNU Affero General Public License v3.0'
>>> list_licenses()
['afl-3.0', 'agpl-3.0', 'apache-2.0', 'artistic-2.0', 'bsd-2-clause',
 'bsd-3-clause', 'bsd-3-clause-clear', 'bsl-1.0', 'cc', 'cc-by-4.0',
 'cc-by-sa-4.0', 'cc0-1.0', 'ecl-2.0', 'epl-1.0', 'eupl-1.1', 'gpl',
 'gpl-2.0', 'gpl-3.0', 'isc', 'lgpl', 'lgpl-2.1', 'lgpl-3.0',
 'lppl-1.3c', 'mit', 'mpl-2.0', 'ms-pl', 'ncsa', 'ofl-1.1',
 'osl-3.0', 'postgresql', 'unlicense', 'wtfpl', 'zlib']