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This section proposes a method for building a script/tool with Tinyscript.

Some example script/tools are available on the GitHub repo.


A tiny tool is provided with the package to create a template instantly.

  • Create a tool
$ tinyscript new test

This creates a script named with minimal code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from tinyscript import *
# TODO: fill in imports

__author__     = "John Doe"
__email__      = ""
__version__    = "1.0"
__copyright__  = "J. Doe"
__license__    = "agpl-3.0"
#__reference__ = ""
#__source__    = ""
#__training__  = ""
# TODO: fill in the docstring
__doc__ = """
This tool ...
# TODO: fill in examples
__examples__ = [""]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # TODO: add arguments
    # TODO: write logic here

  • Create a PyBot tool
$ tinyscript new test --target pybots.JSONBot

This creates a tool with a specific name and an import of particular class from the PyBots library.


From there, the first thing to do can be to customize script/tool's metadata. For this purpose, the following constants can be tuned :

Field Comment
__author__ self-explanatory
__copyright__ processed field for mentioning a copyright notice
__credits__ list of contributors for displaying credits
__details__ list of extra docstrings (for multi-level help)
__doc__ script's docstring
__docformat__ script's docstring styling format (None, html, md, rst or textile)
__email__ self-explanatory
__examples__ a list of strings providing example arguments and options (no need to mention the tool name)
__license__ processed field for mentioning the license
__reference__ raw text field for referencing a book/course/...
__source__ same as for __reference__
__training__ raw text field for mentioning a training the script comes from
__version__ self-explanatory

Processed fields

Copyright is handled the following way: either a copyright text is specified or a 2-tuple with the copyright text and the starting year.

>>> from tinyscript import *
>>> ts.copyright("test")
'© 2020 test'
>>> ts.copyright("test", 2019)
'© 2019-2020 test'

In a script, it is thus defined as a metadata field: __copyright__ = "test", 2019

License is handled by a function that gets the full license name from its short name. For a list of short names, use:

>>> from tinyscript import *
>>> ts.list_licenses()
['afl-3.0', 'agpl-3.0', ..., 'zlib']

Comments & Sections

In both cases of a script or tool, comments with the TODO keyword are present in the template to indicate where the code should be adapted.

When using a tool template (and not a script), some sections are defined for organizing the code in a standard way.


At this point, multiple global variables and modules imported by Tyniscript can be used to set script/tool's arguments and log messages in the code.


After customizing the metadata, the initialize function can be filled with the following arguments. The first list shows the utility features while the second one handles other tuning arguments.

Argument Purpose
sudo=[boolean] Force privilege elevation at startup
multi_level_debug=[boolean] Set the verbose mode with multiple levels of logging (as shown hereafter).
add_banner=[boolean] Add a banner to be displayed when starting the script/tool.
add_config=[boolean] Add an option to input an INI configuration file.
add_demo=[boolean] Add the demonstration option (randomly picking an example).
add_interact=[boolean] Add an interaction option.
add_progress=[boolean] Add an option to show a progress bar.
add_step=[boolean] Add a stepping mode option, for setting breakpoints into the code by using the step function or the Step context manager.
add_time=[boolean] Add an execution timing option, for benchmarking the execution by using the get\_time and get\_time\_since\_last functions or the Timer context manager.
add_version=[boolean] Add the version option.
add_wizard=[boolean] Add a wizard option for asking the user to input each value.
report_func=[function] Add report options (output format, title, stylesheet and filename) by setting a function (taking no argument) that will generate the report at the end of the execution of the script/tool.
Argument Purpose
action_at_interrupt="[string]" Control the action when Ctrl+C is hit ; one of: exit
ext_logging=[boolean] Enable extended logging options.
multi_level_debug=[boolean] Enable multi-level debugging with -v[v[v[v]]].
noargs_action="[string]" Add a behavior when no argument is input by the user, a value amongst "demo", "help", "step", "version" or "wizard".
post_actions Enable/disable post-actions after an interrupt (only for interrupt, when exiting, these actions are triggered anyway), that is, features that are handled when the script is ending (e.g. report generation, time statistics displaying, ...).
short_long_help=[boolean] Enable/disable short/long help (usage info with -h and full help with --help).
sudo=[boolean] Elevate privilege before running.


Once the initialization is tuned, a validation can be set if necessary using the validate function. This takes 3- or 4-tuples for defining the validation items.

(argument_name, condition, error_message[, default_value])
  • argument_name: self-explanatory, e.g. 'test'
  • condition: an error condition expression, with the argument name replaced by ' ? '
  • error_message: the message to be displayed when the error condition is matched
  • default_value: self-explanatory ; when not set, a trigger on the condition will prevent the script from running, otherwise the script/tool will just display a warning and continue with the default value
    ('int1', " ? == 1", "Integer must be 1"),
    ('int2', " ? == 1", "Integer should be 1", 1),

int1=0 will make the script crash with the error message while and int1=1, int2=0 will cause int2=1 and display a warning before continuing.

Exit handlers

Some exit handlers can also be tuned to properly handle the end of the execution. The following handlers are available :

Handler Purpose
at_gracefully_exit Executed when no error occurred (exit code 0)
at_interrupt Executed when signal SIGINT is received, typically when the user hits CTRL+C
at_terminate Executed when signal SIGTERM is received, i.e. when the execution was terminated by another process or from the OS
at_exit Executed anyway ; i.e. it will always trigger logging.shutdown()


The Report class and its related objects can be used to represent a report.

Raw-text report parsing

An helper function is available for converting a WPScan-like report to a list of element classes with their associated content or a Report instance and the parsed elements if the report objects are imported in the global scope.

For instance, this code will output a list of 2-tuples in the form ("[element_class]", content).

>>> from tinyscript.helpers import report2objects
>>> with open("wpscan.txt") as f:
        obj = report2objects(
>>> obj
[("Text", "..."), ...]

While this code will output a Report instance with its elements.

>>> from tinyscript.helpers import report2objects
>>> from import *
>>> with open("wpscan.txt") as f:
        obj = report2objects(
>>> obj
[<Text: text-1>, ...]

With the Report class, multiple output formats can be used to generate the report as explained in this section.

from import *

report = Report(
    Title("My title", tag="h2"),
    Section("My first section", tag="h4"),
    Code("#!/bin/bash\necho 'hello'",  language="bash"),
    Section("My second section", tag="h4"),
    Text("A paragraph", size=11, color="blue"),

If using the report_func argument of initialize, a report generation function must be defined. This function must take no argument and return a tuple of report objects in the order to be displayed in the final report.

def make_report():
    global headers, data
    return (
        Title("My nice report"),
        Section("A first section"),
        Text("Some introduction text"),
        Section("A second section"),
        Table(headers, data),
        "This is a free text",

A header and a footer can also be defined.

def make_report():
    return (
        Header(center="Nice report"),
        "This is a free text",